There are several situations in which we do not approve conversions for referred clients. Please read the Affiliate Terms and Conditions carefully.
We recognize that affiliates have no real control over the quality of the clients they refer. We also understand that there are a variety of client transaction behaviors among referred clients, including those who trade frequently and those who trade infrequently.
Through our experience working with affiliates, we have gained knowledge, insight, and understanding of customer behavior. If we are targeted by a group that takes advantage of cash back for account registration with no intent to trade, the average quality of referred customers may be dramatically reduced, not because of the Affiliate, but because of the Affiliate. This situation could adversely affect the quality of clients referred by the affiliate. In such cases, unfortunately, the conversions of these customers will not be counted towards monthly performance fees.
Once we have carefully reviewed a new affiliate customer referral and confirmed that a dishonest customer has been referred, we will take all necessary precautions when reviewing the affiliate's customer conversions to ensure accuracy. In our experience, the number of dishonest customers is very limited. Please understand that our risk and screening process is conducted with the protection of our affiliates in mind. We will continue to do what is necessary to ensure the integrity of our affiliate network.